Oil Production

Oil Production

Oil business development is among LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' strategic goals. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' accounts for the bulk of the oil production. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' is going to increase its annual hydrocarbon production to 50 million tons of oil equivalent by 2014 and maintain that level through 2025. In order to attain these goals, LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' will strive for maximum efficiency in the extraction of the remaining reserves from the current resource base by employing its best optimization practices, reducing the cost of proven technologies, and introducing and adopting new technologies on a mass scale. It is planned to establish a new oil production center in the north of Almaty area and to develop assets pertaining to unconventional reserves.

During fist years of fields' discovery, oil production was seasonal - in warm season oil was barged by the river to the oil refinery in Almaty. In winter time well sites were closed. Climate and landscape of this area made it impossible to use traditional methods to lay out roads, drill wells, construct pipelines and field facilities. In fact, the oil producing division was a real testing ground where various technologies and methods were created and applied to develop fields in severe geological and climatic conditions. Over a number of years, LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' has consistently implemented a Production modernization program, including reconstruction and modernization of its production unit, which has improved the quality of products and increased their competition value. It is the most ambitious program for the modernization of oil production facilities in the Kazakstan oil industry.

Hydrocarbon Development

The LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' major activities abroad include oil and gas prospecting, hydrocarbon production, service delivery, and acquisition of new oil and gas assets in the world’s key regions. The LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' operates in CIS coutries and Europe. Further geological surveying projects and the introduction of new methods to increase mine output will make it possible to extend this period by several more decades. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' has major shares holds company that operate the oil production sector that owns an oil field.

The number of geological and technical measures to restore base production in 2014 amounted to more than 10 thousand, and restored production - 10.2 million tons. At the same time, specific production per well for measures to restore base production increased by 9.8% compared to 2017, from 1,055 tonnes per well to 1,158 tonnes. The main measures to restore production are, in particular, treatment of the bottomhole formation zone (BHZ) and well performance optimization (BHO). The volume of application of physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery in the Company increased by 1.5 times compared to 2017.