The main activity of LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL'’s Environmental Department in the sphere of environmental monitoring has been to carry out quantitative and qualitative monitoring of harmful wastes in gaseous, liquid and solid forms emitted to the atmosphere as a result of natural and anthropogenic impacts at enterprises and companies subordinated to LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL', on scientific grounds with the purpose of assessing and forecasting the conditions of air, water and soil environment, implementing regular control and research system defining their chemical content, degree of contamination, radioactive and hydro-biological features and physical characteristics.
The purpose of carrying out the environmental monitoring is to analyse the preliminary condition aimed at discovering natural condition of the environment before any operation works are carried at departments and enterprises subordinated to LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL', carry out research works with the view of assessing the level of seriousness of impacts caused by exploration, drilling, oil-gas production etc. works and wastes thrown into the environment during such operations, keep the amount and quality of solid, liquid and gaseous contaminants generated during production processes under control in order to define air, water and soil environments and rehabilitate the ecological balance in the area, analyse their chemical composition, degree of contamination, radioactive and hydrological characteristics, conduct analyses of samples taken at a complex researches laboratory built to the requirements of international standards and give recommendations to remove shortages found.
Reducing the level of harmful atmospheric emissions is a key focus of LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL'’s environmental policy, with the company implementing an extensive range of environmental programmes across all areas of its operations. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' is implementing cutting-edge methodologies in environmental monitoring, including giving regulatory agencies and local residents access to information on the status of activities throughout its production facilities.
A comprehensive environmental monitoring scheme has been introduced at the Almaty Refinery, a central element of which includes an automated air quality monitoring (AQM) system tracking the impacts of production on the atmosphere. System sensors are installed at eight key facilities throughout the plant, with information from these transmitted to both the plant control room and regulatory state agencies. Data from this environmental monitoring system is accessible on the Company Refinery as well as being displayed on a large LED screen — the “Econiformer” — installed nearby.