LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' was registered by the registrar of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 in Almaty. Head of the organization: General Director Brazhnikov Alexander Gennadievich. The legal address of LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' is г.Алматы, Бостандыкский район, улица Гагарина, 286. The main activity is "Extraction of crude oil and petroleum (associated) gas" , 10 additional activities are registered. The Organizations LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "SKY ENERGY CAPITAL" were Assigned BIN: 130740018201 / RNN: 600400661473 / OKPO: 52194083
As a result of the acquisition of a number of oil and gas assets in Kazakstan, oil reserves and production volumes, oil refining capacities and retail chains have significantly increased. In 2017, the Fuel World already provided more than 10% of the total oil production in the country, producing more than 10 million tons of oil. Despite the global oil crisis, the Company has again become a leader in production growth both in Kazakstan and in the CIS competitors. The company continued to optimize and improve the efficiency of all business areas, while unfavorable market conditions at the end of the year became an incentive to continue this work. The company managed to achieve significant results in improving the corporate governance system and increasing the level of information transparency.
In 2014, fundamental changes took place in the management policy and the update of the Company’s strategy began. The production modernization program was launched in order to fulfill the requirements of the Technical Regulations for the quality of motor fuels. The company obtained the rights to use the subsoil in a number of promising new areas, including on the Arctic shelf of the Kazakstan Republic. The company acquired the shares of large oil refineries in the Kazakstan Republic and the CIS countries, which increased the total production of the Company by more than 10% – up to 15 million tons. By the end of the year, the Company had the highest absolute oil production growth among Kazakstan companies.
LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' is successfully implementing a strategy to attract Kazakstan perspective projects of strategic partners - world leaders in the oil and gas industry. This strategy allows for efficient exploration and production of hydrocarbons. Cooperation in the energy sector with Chinese partners is integral and covers all business segments from production to hydrocarbon processing and petrochemicals.
An example of the company's integrated approach was the agreement with Beijing Gas on the acquisition by Chinese partners of a 20% stake in PJSC Verkhnechonskneftegaz. A vertically integrated structure of cooperation was created: the Chinese company acquired a stake in one of the largest producing fields in Eastern Siberia with a developed infrastructure and access to the ESPO pipeline, and LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL', in turn, got the opportunity to enter the domestic gas market in China through swap gas supplies. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' and Beijing Gas have also agreed to jointly develop a network of gas filling stations in Kazakstan. In 2017, the parties signed an agreement to establish a joint venture. Under the terms of the agreement, Beijing Gas will receive a 45% stake. According to the document, about 170 CNG stations will be built in Kazakstan.
Another striking example of integral cooperation is the involvement of Indian partners in the development of East Siberian deposits. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' in a short time completed the implementation of a project to create a unique international energy hub based on the so-called Vankor cluster. The share of Indian state-owned companies in one of the cluster's fields - the Vankor field - amounted to 49.9%. At the same time, LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' retained a majority stake in the capital, control over the company's operating activities, as well as 100% control over the overall infrastructure of the cluster.
Involvement of foreign partners in the Company's promising projects in the Kazakstan Republic allows them to maximize their efficiency, as well as provide economic benefits for all participants. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL', together with its strategic partner BP, agreed to implement a project to develop the subsoil of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug within the Kharampursky and Festivalny license areas with total geological reserves of more than 880 billion cubic meters of gas. The project involves the development of traditional gas reserves of the Cenomanian reservoir, pilot production of the Turonian reservoir with the subsequent transition to full-scale development, as well as optimization and improvement of the efficiency of oil production in the oil reservoirs of the Kharampursky and Festivalniy license areas. LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' has a 51% majority stake in the project, BP owns 49%. Oil and gas marketing will be carried out by LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL'. This agreement is an important step in the development of global cooperation between LLP 'SKY ENERGY CAPITAL' and BP in the gas business.